So au contraire to the lack of reviews, we have actually been eating burgers. We've already crossed off the trifecta of Oahu Burger joints (Teddy's, Kua'aina, the Counter) off our list so we've been just going places and eating...well, burgers. SURPRISINGLY, we have found some really tasty ones! The way I think of it is like we're discovering all the underground (figuratively) burger places that people know of--but never SPEAK of--because they aren't well...the big three! Off the beaten path. I guess.
But anyway. I have a gift certificate at Williams Sonoma (there's one at Ala Moana)...that I've had for almost a year now! Its like money that’s burning a hole into my pocket. I want to spend it. :] Brandon says we should wait until we move and have a bigger kitchen, which TOTALLY makes sense because there's almost no place to put my ceramic knife (While I was in Okinawa, I bought CERAMIC KNIVES. Idk. It seems just like a really sharp knife so far. Haha.)! I also have no idea what I'd want from there anyway (aka so pricey).
So let's see. Would you buy this?
I guess this is kinda handy. I guess. You can measure the weight and it'll make perfectly round patties. Also useful for loco mocos?

I kinda like this one! It's cute but we don't grill nearly as much as my Dad does. I think he'd scoff at it but it'll make your food cook more uniformly and whatnot. And you can use it when you cook asparagus. Yum. :]

For some reason, when I look at this, I think: White Castle. I've never been there yet. I've seen them in the freezer section at Safeway (and by watching Harold and Kumar go to White Castle). I don't know about this one, I'm not a slider person!

It's pretty. I like it. The price? Not so much. Do I use kosher salt? No. But isn't it pretty?
K more (eating and reviewing of) burgers later. :]
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